Студенти из Србије могу се пријавити до 01. марта 2019. године путем онлајн пријаве ОВДЕ
Предмет истраживања и докторских студија треба да буде из једне од три понуђене области:
- Хладни рат у глобалним перспективама;
- Породично право;
- Фонетика.
Ланкастер Универзитет обезбеђује три стипендије које покривају трошкове школарине и додатних 15.000 фунти за покривање трошкова живота у Уједињеном Краљевству.
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Fully Funded PhD Research Scholarships for Overseas Students at Lancaster University in UK
The new Fully Funded Research Scholarships is now available on offer for all new UK, EU or overseas students. Students will be joining a community of world-class academics who are passionate about their work and carry out cutting edge research.
Lancaster University is an internationally highly-ranked leader in the provision of inspiring teaching and research. Lancaster is one of only a handful of universities with a collegiate system which has helped to forge a strong sense of identity and loyalty, and continues to be a distinctive feature of student life at Lancaster.
If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Scholarship Description
- Applications Deadline: March 1, 2019
- Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue PhD programme.
- Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the following three subjects: The Cold War in Global Perspectives, Family Justice and Phonetics.
- Scholarship Award: The funding will cover your course fees for the duration of your PhD studies and we will contribute £15,000 per year towards other costs.
- Nationality: All students are welcome to apply, whether you are from the UK, EU or overseas.
- Number of Scholarships: Three scholarships are available.
- Scholarship can be taken in the UK
Eligibility for the Scholarship
Eligible Countries: All students are welcome to apply, whether you are from the UK, EU or overseas.
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. Candidates will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Potential for an original contribution.
- Evidence of scholarly ability:
– clear and concise description of the study
– awareness of current literature in the field
– understanding of research methodology appropriate for an early stage postgraduate student
– a research project that can be completed within the timeframe allowed for a PhD
All students are welcome to apply, whether you are from the UK, EU or overseas.
English Language Requirements: If English is not your first language then you will need to show that your English language skills are at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.
Application Procedure
How to Apply: If you have not already done so, apply for a PhD in the appropriate department through the University’s online application system. Simply create an account on the My Applications website and then select ‘Create a new application’ from your homepage once you are logged-in.
In addition, complete and return the Faculty Scholarship Application Form 2019 to the appropriate departmental contact below.
The Cold War in Global Perspectives: Dr Marco Wyss (m.wyss@lancaster.ac.uk)
Family Justice: Professor Karen Broadhurst (k.broadhurst@lancaster.ac.uk)
Phonetics: Dr Sam Kirkham (s.kirkham@lancaster.ac.uk)